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Postgraduate and doctoral studies are forms of training highly qualified scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel. Postgraduate and doctoral studies open at higher educational institutions of the third or fourth levels of accreditation and equivalent institutions of postgraduate education, in scientific institutions with highly qualified scientific and pedagogical and scientific personnel, a modern research, experimental and material base.

Conditions for admission to postgraduate studies

Individuals who have obtained a master’s (specialist) higher education are admitted to postgraduate studies on a competitive basis. Persons who have timely submitted all documents necessary for admission in accordance with the rules of admission to the University are admitted to the entrance exams. The Admissions Committee may deny admission to a person to pass entrance exams to graduate school solely in connection with failure to submit documents specified in the admissions rules within the prescribed period.

Admission to postgraduate and doctoral studies for foreign citizens and stateless persons is carried out by the Center for International Education of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute tel. (044) 204-86-59.

Our specialties

104 Physics and astronomy
111 Mathematics
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