Career development
Our graduates works:
- teachers and scientists at the departments of the Igor Sikorsky KPI and other higher educational institutions;
- teachers in colleges, technical schools and lyceums;
- in state and non-state organizations, institutions, enterprises of Ukraine and abroad (Germany, Great Britain, USA);
- in international and Ukrainian banks;
- in the analytical divisions of the Security Service of Ukraine, the Tax Service of Ukraine;
- in corporations “Golden Telecom”, “Vodafone”, “Ukrtelecom” ;
- Center of Advanced Material Processing;
- in the Institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in particular in:

- Institute of Physics,
- Institute of Nuclear Research,
- Lashkarev Institute of Semiconductor Physics,
- Frantsevich Institute of Materials Science Problems,
- Institute of Magnetism,
- Kurdyumova Institute of Metallophysics , National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
- Subbotina Institute of Geophysics,
- Bogomolets Institute of Physiology,
- Institute of surface chemistry,
- Paton Institute of electric welding of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
- etc.;

Department of professional orientation
An interactive space for interaction between higher education seekers/graduates and employers. Current news, information about open internship and professional training programs, requests for vacant positions, announcements of events are presented here.