Calendar of the educational process
- First calendar control: 17.10.2022 − 30.10.2022
- Second calendar control: 05.12.2022 − 18.12.2022
- Semester control (credits and defense of coursework/projects): 26.12.2022 − 08.01.2023
- Semester control (exams): 09.01.2023 − 22.01.2023
- Holidays: 23.01.2023 − 05.02.2023
- First calendar control: 20.03.2023 − 02.04.2023
- Second calendar control: 08.05.2023 − 21.05.2023
- Semester control (credits and defense of coursework/projects): 29.05.2023 − 11.06.2023
- Semester control (exams): 12.06.2023 − 25.06.2023
- Holidays: 26.06.2023− 31.08.2023

The schedule of the educational process at Igor Sikorsky KPI
The website of the department of educational work, which hosts the current schedule of classes for students and teachers and the schedule of exams (session schedule) at Igor Sikorsky KPI. To receive information, enter the number of your group or the teacher's last and first name.
The calendar control is set according to the results obtained during the current training: students receive certain types of tasks, perform them and receive points that are added to the already available ones, according to the rating system. The results of the calendar control are entered by the examiner in the “Calendar control” module of the Electronic Campus.

What is needed to get a positive result on calendar control?
The entire amount of work provided for by the curriculum for a certain discipline must be completed at the time of control – it is written in more detail in the rating system of evaluation for this discipline, or you can check with the teacher.

Can the calendar control results be corrected?
You can catch up on a certain discipline and pay off all current debts by the time of the test or exam. But you will not change the fact of an unsatisfactory result of the calendar control.