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About us
The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was created in 1996 on the basis of the departments of fundamental training at the initiative of the rector of the university, Academician M.Z. Zgurovsky.
Physical and mathematical training, which is the basis of the formation of scientific and engineering knowledge, has always been a priority at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute since the first day of its existence. At different times, scientists with world-famous names worked here and headed the department of fundamental training: M.P. Kravchuk, I.V. Skrypnyk, A.A. Smirnov, V.E. Loshkarev, Y.B. Vul, H.G. De-Metz, O.H. Goldman, F.P. Yaremchuk, Sh.G. Gordeladze, V.A. Zmorovych, O.S. Smogorzhevskyi, V.A. Linnyk, S.D. Gertsryken, V.G. Baryakhtar, V.V. Buldygin, A.M. Samoilenko
The first dean of the faculty was Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V.G. Baryakhtar, since 2007 the faculty has been headed by the Honored Education Worker of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.V. Vanin.
Since September 2024, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vitalii Yosypovych Kotovskyi has been appointed Acting Dean of the FMF, and on January 1, 2025, he was elected dean by the faculty..
Vitalii Kotovskyi graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 1983. He is an electronic engineer by profession. At KPI he worked his way up from a senior engineer to the Deputy Vice-Rector for Research, Head of the Department of General Physics and Modelling of Physical Processes.
Winner of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Award in 2015 for the work ‘Development and Implementation of Sensor Control and Information Technologies’.
Author of more than 200 scientific publications, including textbooks, monographs, and patents. He is listed in Volume VII of the popular edition of the book ‘Scientists of Ukraine – the elite of the state’.
Member of the Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Member of the Academic Council of the B.Paton Polytechnic Museum at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Member of two specialised academic councils for the defence of candidate and doctoral dissertations at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
He is a full member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, academic secretary.
The departments of the faculty involve well-known scientists from scientific institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, well-known universities and scientific laboratories of Europe and the USA for the educational and scientific training of bachelors, masters and doctors of philosophy.