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Open University Student Olympiad in the disciplines “Engineering Graphics” and “Engineering and Computer Graphics”


  1. “Creating a projection drawing of a part based on its axonometric image in AutoCAD”:
  • Category I “Building a design drawing”;
  • Category II “Construction of a design drawing with the creation of a 3D model
  1. Three-dimensional modeling in the AutoCAD system”;


21.05.2024 at 16.30 – nomination “Construction of a projection drawing of a part based on its axonometric image in the AutoCAD system”.

  • Category I “Construction of a projection drawing”;
  • Category P “Construction of a design drawing with the creation of a 3D model”.

22.05.2024 at 16.30 – nomination “Three-dimensional modeling in AutoCAD”;

Registration: until 19.00 on 15.05.2024

in the Telegram channel of the State Research Institute and on the website of the Department of Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics of the FMF at the link

The Olympiad will be held in ZOOM, the invitation will be in the letter – the answer will be after the end of registration

Students of all years of study are invited

Establishment of results: for each nomination separately for 1st year students and for senior students

Publication of the results: The names of the winners and the places they took will be published in the Telegram channel of the State Research Institute and on the website of the Department of Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics of the FMF at the link